A New Pair of Running Shoes
When we think about emotional or mental pain, we can look at it in the same way. We may try to force a certain behavior or relational style or change in our lives because that’s what we want. We want it to be straight, better, and look good in public. But our body will still remember.
Join Me for GP53: Gratitude Project 53
If you have ever wanted to double down on your gratitude practice, join me and others for Gratitude Project 53 (GP53) in making gratitude an action word this year. The goal? Share your words of gratitude and appreciation with one person per week. You can call, email, text, write a handwritten note, share a meal or a hike or a cup of coffee with them. Make this a year to remember.
Burn The Ships: What I left in 2024
Burning the ships is a symbol for moving into new territory. Not to embark on another history lesson, but it does come from an actual moment in history. It represents our full commitment to something new without any option to retreat or turn back. When the ships are burned, you cannot get back on them to go back home. You commit to new, uncomfortable challenges, obstacles, learning and trust yourself to show up, get back up, even drag yourself to the finish line some days.
Barefoot Through Moab
If Mars were a location on Earth, Arches National Park would be it. The sheer size of the rust colored mountains, or formations would be a more accurate description, is mind-blowing. What is this place? You’ll think to yourself on more than one occasion as the road winds and bends with the shape of the earth.
For the Sake of the Children!
Sports road trips are a staple of any team. So much of what we experience as athletes, coaches, parents of athletes happens in those moments in between matches and tournaments. Life on the road, if you will. Here’s one of my favorite stories of one of my favorite sport parent duo. Enjoy!
Get Beside the Horse, Not Behind It
Sometimes the best place we can be when encountering a challenge or risk is getting beside it. When we feel anxious or uncertain about a new skill, new endeavor or new experience, it feels natural to want to move away from it - to get space. But perhaps the best place for us to be is beside it.
Project 53: Vince Dooley and Liz Murphey
Project 53: Vince Dooley, Georgia Athletic Director and Liz Murphey, Assistant Athletic Director for Women’s Sports are two of the athletic department staff who supported our sport, our team and my career. These two Georgia icons will always hold a place in my heart.
You Don’t Flinch
Does the term “no excuses” mean the same thing for each of your team members? Where does the line for excuses end and the line for healthy boundaries begin? Excuses tend to inhibit growth and/or cause more problems. Healthy boundaries lead to growth for the self and others.
Connection Changes Correction
How we connect with those we coach, lead or parent is more important than how we correct them. Restore relationship before you try to modify behavior.
12 Lessons From a Lifetime Athlete
12 Lessons from a lifetime of sports, with a lifetime to go. See what almost fifty years of playing, coaching and enjoying sports can teach you.
Breathe: Calm, Focus, Perform
Breath work s a powerful tool for athletes, coaches or leaders of any kind. Not only can it help calm us physically, it can help focus our thoughts and get our nervous system into a state where we can perform our best. Get your free breathing resource here!
Designing Internal Pressure for Your Sports Training: Athlete Responsibility
As the level of play and competition go up, the need to create and handle internal pressure also increase. See what you can do to create internal pressure for yourself as an athlete and what the role as a coach can be in this process.
Boundaries in Sport
Boundaries are important in all aspects of life. In sports, we can develop good healthy boundaries for our kids and for our families. Do you know what questions to ask yourself? Do you know what to look for in coaches or club directors? Here are a few to get you started.
Do’s and Don’ts of Sports Parenting
Good practices and guidelines for parenting your child in sports. Otherwise knows as "do's and don't" of sports parenting. Learn what to do that will support your child longterm and what to stay away from so that they will continue to grow and thrive in their sport.
5 Things Coaches Need to Know About Their Athletes*
Explores 5 ways coaches can better understand and support their athletes. Learn how to recognize mental health struggles and provide effective encouragement.