Priscilla Tallman Priscilla Tallman

Connection Changes Correction

How we connect with those we coach, lead or parent is more important than how we correct them. Restore relationship before you try to modify behavior.

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Priscilla Tallman Priscilla Tallman

12 Lessons From a Lifetime Athlete

12 Lessons from a lifetime of sports, with a lifetime to go. See what almost fifty years of playing, coaching and enjoying sports can teach you.

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Priscilla Tallman Priscilla Tallman

Breathe: Calm, Focus, Perform

Breath work s a powerful tool for athletes, coaches or leaders of any kind. Not only can it help calm us physically, it can help focus our thoughts and get our nervous system into a state where we can perform our best. Get your free breathing resource here!

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Priscilla Tallman Priscilla Tallman

Boundaries in Sport

Boundaries are important in all aspects of life. In sports, we can develop good healthy boundaries for our kids and for our families. Do you know what questions to ask yourself? Do you know what to look for in coaches or club directors? Here are a few to get you started.

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Priscilla Tallman Priscilla Tallman

Do’s and Don’ts of Sports Parenting

Good practices and guidelines for parenting your child in sports. Otherwise knows as "do's and don't" of sports parenting. Learn what to do that will support your child longterm and what to stay away from so that they will continue to grow and thrive in their sport.

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